Cleveland Clinic preprint: more covid in employees who took more covid vaccines
Negative efficacy strongly suggested in 50,000-person study, released Dec 19 2022
Thank you to Alex Berenson for calling attention to this preprint, which is rather devastating regarding covid vaccine efficacy. This paper has several strengths: 1) it is large - 50,000 people; 2) reputable organization with no apparent bias; 3) clear and simple methodology. Finally, its results demonstrate a potential “dose-response” relationship.
The problem is that this relationship is exactly the opposite of what it should be:
Figure 2 of this paper suggests that the likelihood of contracting covid increases with consecutive doses of covid vaccine.
The data from Australia you commented on with Dr William Makis indicates exactly what this study shows and that the vaccine is neither safe or effective
as the 4x jabbed saw 345 hospitalized 3x jabbed 163 and 2x jabbed 95 with only 1 unvaccinated thereby shredding the credibility of the vaccines that went from stopping transmission to stopping hospitalizations and death which it clearly doesn't and if you had 4 shots you would think you had finally gotten some immunity to covid that wouldnt put you in hospital but sadly we can figure it out that ADE is at play along with many adverse events. In the Brook Jackson 2 billion fraud lawsuit against Pfizer and their vaccine study trials they used only 177 trial subjects not 44000 to call it safe and effective. The FDA is investigating their own. They have a criminal investigation section to investigate FDA employees and bribery in approving of drugs and they are doing this for the covid vaccines and the EUA so the Brook Jackson lawsuit is very relevant and the replacement for Anthony Fauci has a daughter who works for the FDA . Imagine that.
The Swedish low excess deaths requires more analysis. Two hypnosis:
1) no lockdowns means more natural inmunity before vaccines. This can explain less covid deaths.
2) maybe in Sweden they were more rigorous with aspiration and slow injection. Read Marc Girardot substack.