Aug 22, 2022Liked by Jean Marc Benoit MD

He’s a paid shill! I love that you made the Sequel to the fall of the cabal with your VAERS Data 👏🏼 I don’t know how to send you a screen shot in the comment.

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Not sure whether he is paid for his writing or not. He indicates in biography that there are no financial conflicts of interest. Nonetheless, the four articles on Science-Based Evidence appear to have a bit of a bias in terms of minimizing vaccine harms.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Jean Marc Benoit MD

First thought that I have is "if those factors were there, they would likely have been present at baseline as well - people without renal disease suddenly having increased troponin due to NEW renal disease is also a concern." Really - any way you slice it, people with normal bloodwork pre-vaccine have almost a 30% rate of abnormal bloodwork that is typically caused by serious health issues post-vaccination. Who cares whether it's being caused by myocarditis or renal disease or something else - this is a substantial change in the health of a patient and shouldn't be whitewashed away by people who want to push vaccination as safe no matter what. The pediatric cardiologist should be ashamed of himself for towing the party line rather than calling for further safety studies. (And who in their right mind accepts a 3% myo/pericarditis rate in healthy teens when covid doesn't have nearly that rate of complications in healthy teens? That part was confirmed and isn't just an elevated marker in the blood.)

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Yes, perhaps my colleague could have addressed questions and concerns to the corresponding author Dr C Mansamguan, prior to writing this interesting analysis.

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Thai study, Mansanguan 2022 has barely begun to penetrate academia. It should spell the end of second-dose mRNA vaccination for young males. How to bring it to attention of Western students and administrators?

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Aug 24, 2022Liked by Jean Marc Benoit MD

It's extremely difficult to get through to those who have already been injected with the Magic Potion.

Almost as if they cannot wrap their heads around the possibility that they injected themselves with the same agent that is causing so much harm to young, healthy individuals.

I imagine it is even harder for the medical professionals who gave these shots to their own children. And recommended their patients do the same.

No one wants to admit they were duped; I get it. I really do. But that is no excuse to remain silent.

Thank you so much for continuing to speak out. Your fact-check-rebuttals are some of my all time favs.

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Dr. Han of course.

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And now Western U pulls this one: Booster mandates and masks:


How can they do this given the emerging evidence? Even if it requires further study/clarification, the coercion two weeks before school starts is reprehensible.

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Everyone popping smoke over this one - wonder how much cover the “updated” shots with zero clinic testing will require

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