There is unbelievable gaslighting of the public on this, such as 'mild myocarditis' and myo from the shots is not as bad as myo from the virus. Late summer, my husband (a retired internist) and I met our new GP, and at that time she was fretting about her sons being forced to take the shot for university.

She knew then, just a month or two after the rollout, that there were 8 young men in hospital in our city with myocarditis following covid shot injection.

All early warning signals were ignored. There are so many stopping conditions for these horrendous shots that it boggles the mind. Yet, on and on the psyops goes...

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Please read: https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/tyranny-pilot-project-at-my-clinic

A great defense of doctors' rights to free speech and right not to poison people.

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Is it really true that over 2600 Canadians were struck by lightning last year? Or is that lifetime risk? If so, what's one's lifetime risk of myo with a booster every 6 months? 2 or 3 %?

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