Even if they were reported to those in authority the data would be hidden.

We know what the common denominator is in all of these deaths.

And they can throw whatever label they want on them, but we know what it really is.

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Our PH mafia keeps congratulating themselves on how they handled covid, but it's just gasligting. The opposite is the case. Don't miss the charts in this post on excess deaths around the world, including Canada: https://metatron.substack.com/p/the-definitive-guide-to-excess-death

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Apple products in particular push the health and fitness applications of their portable/wearable tech products.

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Pardon me.

URGENT! Now Covid vax is on the Childhood Vaccination Schedule. That means all kids going to school will be practically forced to get the Covid vax at school. And the Beast system has made it extremely hard to get any exemptions for school kids. What issue is more important than this one? See https://tiny.cc/cofaq2

Where can we get together to discuss what to do about this genocidal plan? Do we need to counsel parents on how to demand religious exemptions, or on how to do homeschooling? NVIC is somewhat active at https://www.nvic.org/ for trying to improve state laws. I just joined. They have state teams at https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/State-Teams but you may have to register to see that page. Please comment at https://tiny.cc/cofaq2

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Make a Apple Watch app that calls 911 when a vaccinated persons heart shuts off - there is a market there for it

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