Sep 28, 2022Liked by Jean Marc Benoit MD

well if you believe the rhetoric - when these citizens get omicron, it won't be so bad that they'll have to go to hospital (not necessarily any of the RCT endpoints) for treatment - whew...now going to hospital for stroke like symptoms or a cardiomyopathy, well that's different all together

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Interesting. Perhaps one can postulate that these higher income areas are well-paid, white collar liberals who buy into all the government & MSM propaganda? Overlaying this with death rates could also prove informative…

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Jean Marc Benoit MD

This is interesting. Almost all the wealthier people I know place a great deal of faith in the medical establishment. They all have a streak of germaphobia, too, which makes them especially vulnerable to fear-based marketing.

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Most likely we could also overlay a voting map onto this data. It has been observed in US that Democrats were likelier to over-estimate Covid risk and underestimate harms from vaccines. Presumably Canada is similar

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