Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jean Marc Benoit MD

I'm glad someone was wise enough to take screen shots. I wrote down the numbers most days from February onward, but I never thought they'd simply disappear the data.

There is nothing suspicious at all about removing data that doesn't play into the narrative, right? (insert eyeroll)

One thing that always stood out to me: the unknown (vaxx status) category for hospitalized and ICU. This number was never displayed on the pie charts, resulting in the UV looking like they were a larger proportion than they were. Most days, the unknowns were close in number to the UV in hospital or even a higher number than the UVs in the ICUs

E.g., Feb. 25th, 2022:

Hospitalized: 1003 - number displayed on the table


UV: 239

PV: 29

FV: 557



Subtracted from 1003 = 178 UNK (definition on MoH website indicated vaxxed where vaccine not approved in Canada or not on the Health Card record)

ICU: 297 - number displayed on the table

Piechart :

UV: 69

PV: 7

FV: 91



Subtracted from 297 = 130 UNK

Most people, if they looked at the pie charts at all, would not be aware that the numbers didn't add up to the totals, not to mention the fact that some admissions were found C19+ on a routine test.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jean Marc Benoit MD

Alberta data did that too quite clearly and then they pulled it. It was unfortunate as if they have this info they know the harms of pressuring and coercing people to take the shot.

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Only time I ever got a Christmas gift from the Ontario government.

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